Text Input Template for GB Studio v2.0
As of writing this, GB Studio has a method to read inputs from variables and output the the matching text, but no software keyboard. This is an example template for a way to implement one! I tried to keep the coding simple in this one to help with understandability, so there are ways things can be made more efficient (such as using Flags for True/False instead of a dedicated Variable for each one). You'll also find Comments (the green text blocks) sprinkled throughout the code. There are many ways to improve and style this to make it your own, including expanding it to 8 character entry (or more with some clever coding!), changing the character set to add new symbols or even different languages, and so on! This is only a launching-off point.
Further details are in the enclosed Readme. Feel free to make any changes to fit your needs, and use this in whatever game or project you're making! Crediting me ( Setsune Wave, setsune.itch.io ) is very appreciated but not required.
Arrow Keys: Move
Z: Interact / Select
X: Cancel / Erase
Shift: Preview Input
Enter: Accept Input
Shift + Enter (Hold): Clear All
D-Pad: Move
B: Interact / Select
A: Cancel / Erase
Back: Preview Input
Start: Accept Input
Back + Start: Clear All
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Development log
- Version 1.2: "Empty" Text Change, New Example Template!Sep 17, 2020
- Version 1.1: Minor Fix, Bonus VersionsSep 11, 2020
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Hi there! I would like to use this system with the GB version it was designed for. Can anyone help me to get the Windows 64-bit build of GB Studio version 2.0.0 beta 4? It is no longer available on GitHub...
Have you tried asking on their official Discord? That seems like the way I'd try to get it. If that doesn't work I may still have a copy of the installer saved, I'll have to look.
Thank you for your kind reply. I tried it, but it seems that the folks on the Discord are not able to help me...
Okay, here's the last daily build I have for Beta 4, from 2020/10/11, as well as the most recent version of Beta 5 I have downloaded from 2021/05/22: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5yc9pgwcwxba9ece1oxq2/h?rlkey=ohbu2pern0iny7tvxmy...
You can see the changes via the Commit list here: https://github.com/chrismaltby/gb-studio/commits/v2beta8.2.5 I believe you can also compile a specific version you may need by clicking on the < >'s for that particular commit, downloading that version, and following the build instructions. I have a bunch of other daily builds from around that era if you need a specific version.
Thank you so much for your help!
Glad to help! And thank you for the shout-out on Reddit, I appreciate that!
How do I copy this onto my gbs project?
What version of GB Studio are you using?
This is a really good work into GB Studio!
Thank you very much!
I have reviewed the project, and it is highly complex. I can imagine the time you have spent making the asset. I will probably use it in future projects.
Looking forward to it, then!
You amazing genius!
That's really too kind, but thank you.
well it’s very impressive
Noooooice, great stuff.
Really cool system, feels great to use. I can even put in my name in full :p
Nice! I might borrow this for the Pokemon demake so players can finally have a name.